Our Work


KWISA’s project work focuses on the following thematic areas:

WOMEN’S HEALTH & WELLBEING– We advocate on issues concerning the sexual and reproductive health of women and girls with a particular focus on activities and initiatives that address the health inequalities that disproportionately affect women of African descent.

GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE – We campaign to end violence against women and girls as well as harmful traditional practices affecting them such as FGM

ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT – We champion initiatives and create opportunities for women of African descent to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to improve their financial outcomes.

RESEARCH & POLICY—Within the organisation and in partnership with other institutions, we develop or contribute to original research that enhances the knowledge of issues affecting African communities in Scotland. Our work in this area is especially geared toward improving policy outcomes for affected communities.


NAUWU (Nothing About Us Without Us) Maternity Health Project

NAUWU is a community participatory initiative which aims to end inequities in maternal health outcomes and experience for ethnic minority womxn of African Caribbean Heritage(WACH) living in Scotland, through asset-framed, culturally nuanced, empowering community education, participation & accountable co-production.

  • The initiative is a collaboration between KWISA, communities of WACH and maternity voices partnership ( MVP) in NHS Lothian.
  • This collaboration aims to reclaim the narrative around the reproductive well-being and aspirations of people from the African diaspora living in Lothian.

The African diaspora consists of descendants of involuntary and voluntary migration out of Africa, regardless of their place of birth or nationality. Therefore, we acknowledge that WACH may also be nationals of countries in the Caribbean, North America, South America, Central America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa.

Female Genital Mutilation and Violence Against Women and Girls( FGM & VAWG)

 KWISA uses a holistic approach to preventing FGM based on their knowledge and experience that social change happens when the people who are affected by an issue take an active role in tackling the problem with support from policy and laws. It involves all members of the community from youth to faith leaders from different African countries.


With the slogan ‘ FGM is more than cutting’, KWISA strongly recommends avoiding personal or single-story approaches and focuses on all types of FGM especially Type 4 which is least known in Scotland.

KWISA has pioneered engaging with communities and faith leaders in Scotland and works towards the restoration of the dignity of women and girls, preventing FGM and other harmful traditional practices ( HTPs) and supporting women and families affected by FGM to protect girls at risk. 

KWISA addresses all types of FGM because many victims suffer other types which are not discussed by different groups in Scotland and work with women, faith leaders and young people in Scotland and Africa. 

KWISA facilitates engagement between service providers and women and girls affected by FGM and other HTPs as a means to improve service delivery.

Our work includes:

  • Engaging women and girls to speak for themselves.
  • This project has built the foundation of work to address the impact of other HTPs such as elongation on the sexual and reproductive health of women from communities where such practices are prevalent.
  • Training community champions and volunteers who are taking an active role in the community raising issues related to FGM.
  • Engagement with faith leaders to sign a declaration against FGM.
  • Facilitated joint events between service providers and survivors of FGM and other HTPS.
  • KWISA created spaces for empowering, supporting and engaging women and girls to speak for themselves
  • Supported women and girls affected by FGM and other HTPs.
  • KWISA contributes to FGM Working Groups and National strategic groups.
  • Maintained international links with FGM campaigners in the Diaspora and in Africa and continue to monitor global trends on FGM to ensure a coordinated approach.