WHO WE ARE: KWISA is an organisation of women of African descent which is based in Edinburgh and advocates for and empowers women and girls and their families across Scotland. A key theme of our work centres on addressing inequalities and injustices, particularly as they intersect with issues of race, gender and socio-economic status. We campaign against violence against women and girls, against harmful traditional practices such as FGM and promote health and wellbeing. We work by creating links and collaborative partnerships with communities and institutions to develop holistic and co-creative strategies for addressing these issues.
WOMEN’S HEALTH & WELLBEING: We advoate on issues concerning the the sexual and reproductive health of women and girls and with a particular focus on activities and initiatives that address the health inequalities that disproportionately affect women of African descent.
GENDER BASED VIOLENCE: We campaign to end violence against women and girls as well as harmful traditional practices affecting them such as FGM
ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT: We champion initiatives and create opportunities for women of African descent to to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to improve their financial outcomes.
RESEARCH & POLICY: Within the organisation ,and in partnership with other institutions, we work to develop or contribute to original research that enhances the knowledge of issues affecting African communities in Scotland. Our work in this area is especially geared to leading to better policy outcomes for affected communities.